Ascot TT Story - The Making Of A Very Special Motorcycle

Part 8

The story is that my Ascot  build at Jack Lilley's is virtually complete.   Steve has Joe make a guide to keep the speedo cable from chafing on the Beringer brake. We continue to await the delivery of some white-faced "Ascot" clocks, although I had some second-thoughts on them, and I do some work on the Ascot TT logo. 

Speedo Cable Guide

A-Wed 02-05-2001 9:07

Let me know if you need to fit a guide for the speedo cable to stop it chaffing on the Beringer calliper and whether this will mean fitting a longer cable.

S-Wed 02-05-2001 16:47

I'll be seeing Joe this morning about it.

S-Sat 05-05-2001 21:16

Joe has made a speedo cable guard. The picture attached shows the holder, it has since had a grommet put in to finish it off. I think it looks rather smart.


Ascot Clocks

A-Thu 29-03-2001 6:52

Since the higher compression engine in the S3 shows a max rev. limit of 9700 rpm, is the Legend Tacho still going to be accurate with regards to the display and the redline?

I've seen some Triumphs with speedos and tachos with white faces. They look good, I think. Will mine have white faces? Can you get them without replacing the whole works?

S-Fri 30-03-2001 0:38

The Legend tacho is up to 9250 rpm, it will be ok to use, it really will not need to be used up to the limit to obtain the best performance. It will be nice though since it will be "off the clock"

The T3 Speed Triples had white faces, but they are no good for the Ascot as we are running a 17" front wheel. We are going to see if we can get something done. It would be rather nice to have the white faces and an Ascot logo on them.

A-Fri 30-03-2001 1:25


A-Sat 31-03-2001 1:58

Talking of which, have you got a .jpg file of the Ascot logo. It might be useful to have for artwork or even printing T-shirts.

A-Fri 30-03-2001 1:17

The white faces for the speedo and tacho I mentioned, yes or no? And, does the "redline" still read true with the engine mods?

S-Fri 30-03-2001 21:24

Working on it. I've been in touch with somebody today and am waiting for them to get back to me. The rev counter will be fine.

A-Fri 30-03-2001 8:20

The speedo and odo are in Kms, right? HK is metric for roads.

S-Sat 31-03-2001 0:59

We are still Imperial for the roads, although the clocks do have KMH on the inside of the dial. Is it a problem?

A-Sat 31-03-2001 1:58

For the speedo, not so much of a problem, but the odometer needs to be in KM. My 95 T-bird is all KM. I thought Triumph just supplied according to the destination of the bike, in which case swapping it shouldn't be a problem, should it? Perhaps at the same time you get the white faces ....

S-Tue 03-04-2001 22:50

We are seeing an instrument company on Friday, with a view to having speedo's and tacho's made for the Ascot and also sets done for the Bonneville. I will let you know the outcome.

Steve is arranging the manufacture of some white-faced "Ascot" clocks.

S-Fri 06-04-2001 21:58

We had a visit today from an instrument manufacturer, mainly regarding the Bonneville. Now the important part for the Ascot. White face speedo and rev counter with Ascot decals, as long as Mecatwin are ok about it. They are new units and will have yours made in KPH, the rev counter will have the "idiot" lights set inside as well. The general idea is to unclutter the front end which we feel this will achieve. The clocks will also be able to be fitted to T/Birds as well. This is going to take a bit of time and we have taken the assembly off of your bike to get them made to pattern and fit nicely. The current estimate is 4-6 weeks, I know it is quite a time but we are really excited about this new project.

As to price we hope that the complete set will be about 350.00 ready to bolt straight on, inc tax as well. Quite a bit cheaper than buying an original.

A-Sat 07-04-2001 7:11

This is good news. Apart from the added cost, but .... a project is a project! At least I won't have to pay the VAT. Who's the instrument company? The famous one used to be Smiths. Don't know if they still exist? Hope they keep to their estimated delivery time, otherwise the shipping of my Ascot is going to get delayed. Oh well! Patience .... Rainy season anyway from mid-May.

The .jpg you sent of the Ascot logo is not really working. It's because of the warped effect where it is wrapped around the side panel. I wonder if you could as Mecatwin to give you an original Bitmap file, i.e. .bmp of the logo, then we would have a clean copy for paper use, web pages and T-shirts etc.

S-Sat 07-04-2001 16:08

I was rather afraid of that. I have already contacted Mecatwin about the logo, as we will need a good copy for the speedo/tacho set. Will let you know once I have something.

S-Mon 09-04-2001 23:53

The company are from Germany, the old Eastern side. They were OE suppliers to Trabant! But now supply the likes of MZ and Ducati Performance. They are very keen on supplying us and are making every effort.

A-Tue 10-04-2001 20:34

Do they have a name? How did you get on to them?

I trust they are going to use black cases, rather than chrome one, in line with the rest of the stuff on the bars.

S-Tue 10-04-2001 23:09

They actually got onto us via the factory. The factory knew that we were keen on having a Tacho made for the Bonneville and knew that this company would be able to manufacture.

The company is Nova MMB Messtecknik.

Of course they will use black.

Wondering About the "Ascot" Clocks

A-Wed 02-05-2001 8:38

I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing with the clocks, given that:

(a) we still haven't sorted the logo;
(b) we're dealing with an unknown quantity and non-Triumph parts
(c) they are holding up delivery and the Ascot is just sitting in your workshop gathering dust etc.?
(d) the current Speed Triple clocks are white, look good and the speedo comes of 17" wheel - see attached picture

Would the current Speed Triple clocks work with the Ascot - fitting and connections?
Does the temp. gauge take the same sender feed as the temp. warning light?
Triumph do make a kilometre version of them, yes?

S-Wed 02-05-2001 16:39

The clock choice is yours, of course.

The company making them, I discovered, are doing the OE ones for a new CCM coming out in a couple of months time and they will be using the same style rev counter, with the lights around the rev counter. In fact it was CCM who put them in touch with us as well as Triumph, nice to be popular.

I must admit that I am really keen on the new clocks and think they will suit the bike. The new Speed Triple ones would not work, there are too many wiring changes.

I will try and see if we can chase MMD up and get a firm delivery date.

A-Thu 03-05-2001 18:09

I didn't mean to sound ungrateful over the clocks. I'll trust your judgement. It's just that I've only got limited information and I haven't even seen a picture or anything yet. Glad to know they are a trusted firm. Did you take any pictures of the clocks or do you have any copies of the designs?

Good idea to try and tie them down to a delivery date. Should be possible, after all the firm is German and not French! Obviously, I can't let it drag out forever, otherwise Autumn will be here and I still won't have an Ascot and the EPD exemption will have expired. Nightmare! Please keep me posted.

S-Wed 09-05-2001 0:19

The clock company are sending us the OE clocks back, so I will get those fitted on to make it standard and forward you the new ones once they are ready. This should at least mean we can ship a bit quicker.

A-Wed 09-05-2001 1:10

I'm OK with this idea, provided the fit of the new ones will be no more involved that using the existing mounting AND existing wiring / cable connections to the lights, speedo and tacho. Please confirm.

A-Tue 22-05-2001 2:21

Any news on the Ascot clocks?

A-Wed 23-05-2001 8:44

Did you tie the krauts down to a delivery date on the "Ascot" clocks?

S-Thu 24-05-2001 23:44

How close is East Germany to Italy? Seems they work about the same, the best we could get is "3 weeks about".

A-Sat 26-05-2001 10:32

OK, whenever they are ready. Just hope fitting the Ascot clocks is relatively straightforward. Will the OE cables and wiring for the idiot lights just plug straight in or is any adaptation required?

S-Sat 26-05-2001 16:41

We have asked the German company to produce the unit so that they will just plug as the originals. Just hope nothing was lost in the translation!

Ascot TT Logo

A-Sat 05-05-2001 21:58

You probably haven't had time to do much about this, so I've just spent 4 hours working a photograph into a bitmap and then back into .gif format!

Do you think it's good enough to reproduce in print or on the clocks?

From this photo,

to these images.

S-Sun 06-05-2001 0:04

I can see the amount of work you have done. I will have a word with the company next week and see what they say.

S-Wed 09-05-2001 0:19

The logos have come out well and are sending them on, thanks for your work on them.

A-Wed 09-05-2001 1:10

Make use of the logos in whichever way you can - adverts, "T" shirts, stickers???

I also made up an Ascot poster for Steve, integrating the Triumph, Mecatwin, Ascot TT and Jack Lilley logos and a picture of Steve's Ascot.

A-Tue 03-07-2001 13:12

Hope you like it!

S-Tue 03-07-2001 15:32

The poster is brilliant, we all liked it ever so much. You will now have to do one for yours.


S-Thu 05-07-2001 17:34

Brian spoke to the clock people yesterday and it seems that there will be a delay in getting them done. The best they could come up with is September/October, they have just had a big contract from CCM to supply so we have gone to the back of the queue, although the Bonny tacho is nearly ready for us.

A-Thu 05-07-2001 20:19

In which case, I sorely tempted to say forget it. It means if I mount them later I will never have an accurate record of the bike's mileage. On the other hand, they hopefully will look good and I'll have the speedo / odo in kms. Decisions, decisions!

S-Thu 05-07-2001 22:07

Lets just see what they look like, there is no pressure on you to have a set.

A-Fri 06-07-2001 2:44

Fair enough. Did you ever get a picture or drawing?

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